First time logging in: Password is Last name and Last 4 of your SSN
We spend a great deal of time and effort to make sure that our Union Electricians are the best trained, best equiped, and safest workers you can hire for any size job. We aim to prove it every day, every job, every minute.
Click to Open
Book 1 Long Call - 51
Book 1 Short Call - 46
Book 2 Long Call - 278
Book 2 Short Call - 261
Coming into Local 364 to sign Book 2?
Our Office hours are:
7 AM - 4:30 PM Monday-Friday
The office is closed from 12pm-1pm for lunch
Here is what you will need to sign the book:
Current dues receipt
A travel letter
(Must be within the past 30 days or less)
Your most recent severance/layoff slip
(Must be within the past 30 days or less)
Picking up a Referral from
Local 364?
Here is what you will need:
CURRENT dues receipt
Are you Registered in ERTS?
(if you are not sure that you are registered in ERTS,
please check with your home local)
Local Lodging Information - Click to Open
Mail the original form WITH your
proof of payment to:
IBEW Local Union 364 - Att: Robin
or E-mail to: Rperez@ibew364.net
Termination of Benefits Form
Mail an original copy to the IBEW Local 364 Office Attn: Robin
Or E-Mail to: Rperez@ibew364.net